Got a car you're trying to sell? Why not advertise it on Blastifieds?
Yes, some things in life are free!
$0 / ad
- Advertise your car for sale - FREE
- Get paid directly from
via Cash, PayPal, or Trade - Upload up to 5 Photos
- Ad duration: 7 days
- Renew your ad: 0 times
- Web Stats to monitor your ad
Looking for more than The Freebie? $3 / ad
- Advertise your car for sale
- Receive all features from the
The FREEBIE, PLUS: - Upload up to 10 Photos
- Ad duration: 7 days
- Renew your ad: Up to 2 times
(21 days total duration)
Get mega-bang for your buck! $5 / ad
- Get even more page views
as a Featured Ad. - Upload up to 20 Photos!
- Ad duration: 7 days
- Renew your ad: Up to 3 times
(28 days total duration)
Are you ready to join the Blastifieds Community?
Blastifieds Online Control Panel
Use our Online Control Panel to create and track the success of your Blastifieds Ads. Each ad lasts 7 days. Additionally, our PLUS ad can be renewed twice and our FEATURED ad can be renewed three times.
Start earning BlastCoins!
What are BlastCoins? BlastCoins are in easy way to help you buy, sell, and trade on Blastifieds. The more you use Blastifieds, the more BlastCoins you'll earn! We start you off with $50 in BlastCoins when you sign-up for a Blastifieds login and verify your email address.
Monitor your ad's web stats
Keep track of how well your ad is performing with daily web statistics, which shows the number of Views and Offers for your Ad.
AdBlast your ad for more traffic
Sharing your Blastifids Ad is a breeze. Just click the AdBlast button, select your favorite social network, and we'll do the rest!
Gain insight via our Ad Report Card
We've studied successful ads for a while. Our Ad Report Card shows how your ad compares to other successful ads; we also provide tips to get faster results.
Here's what your Blastifieds ad will look like...
Be seen in our Search Results
Your ad will appear in our search results for your location (i.e., Region > City/Town, or School). If your item can be mailed, anyone from across the U.S. can place an offer.
Gain more traction with a Featured Ad
Upgrade your ad to a Featured Ad. A major benefit is that your ad appears at the top of our search results for your location and category. Plus you can upload 20 photos.
Attract more buyers with Photos or a Video
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Each ad comes with the ability to upload up to 5, 10, or 20 photos (depending on the ad type you choose), as well as a slideshow to show off your photos. We optimize each photo for fast viewing speeds.
Also, we just added the ability to upload a short video (approximately 20-30 seconds) - - to really help you show off what you're selling!
Why choose Blastifieds?
What is Blastifieds?
We're a weekly, online, person-to-person marketplace dedicated to providing you a safe and easy way to view and post ads. In addition, we're branching out to colleges and universities, so students can advertise to other students at their own school.